27 de nov. de 2014

White Collar

- You're the romantic. I mean, what's the deal with the bottle?
- It's an 82 Bordeaux.
- Yeah. Costs 800 bucks a pop.
- It does when it's full. I got it empty.
- Empty?
- Look, when Kate and I met, we had nothing. I got that bottle, and I used to fill it up with whatever cheap wine we could afford. And we'd sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the Côte d'Azur.
- How'd that work out for you?
- It didn't. Cause that bottle was a promise of a better life.


Sobre outro.

18 de nov. de 2014


Tive um flash do passado, assassinei um apelido, fui embora descalço e empilhei a noite como os arquivos do Instagram. Mais um quadrado sendo sobreposto lentamente por outros momentos. A câmera está a postos.
